5 Simple Steps To Creating Videos On The Fly
Today's post is about a simple way to create videos on the fly and have a little fun using a framework I created using a morning ritual I learned from Mel Robbins as inspiration. She created the Five Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work and Confidence With Everyday Courage.
Mel’s morning ritual has five steps including a meditation I do every morning before I read and journal and walk at the beach.
Her ritual is based on the Five Second Rule. In it you go through a series of actions counting down from five to one and then when you’re done it's time to get out of bed. You can check out Mel Robbins ritual here.
For a refresher on how you can stop procrastinating and get your headshots done using the Five Second Rule, listen to episode 21.
But I Don't Have Time To Do Videos!
Creating videos on the fly is something I get asked about a lot whether its for your product or a business message or idea you need to deliver quickly and effectively.
As I was going through my morning ritual the other day I thought wow, this wouldn’t it be awesome to create a video ritual to to get clear about your message and to make sure you look and sound great before you hit the record button?
And wouldn’t it be especially good for situations when you don’t have a lot of time to think?
Having a quick framework to reference allows you to collect your thoughts and energy and show up with intention and confidence. It also ensures that you don't leave anything important out of your message.
Before There Was YouTube
When I first started as a production assistant in television, we had a show at our studio called Take Five that gave people five minutes of free airtime. It was a great way for people like you and me from the community to get their message out to a larger audience. And we literally had everyone from tap dancers to tattoo artists on the show. I guess you could think of it as an early version of YouTube.
Anyway, it never ceased to amaze me how differently people used their time, some more effectively than others. That’s where I learned how important it is to be organized in your thoughts when you only have a short time to share your message and keep your viewers engaged.
Although, if your think about it in today’s standards, and short attention spans, five minutes is a lot of airtime to fill.
Being intentional about your approach is a great way to manage your time to its fullest, deliver your message and a call to action.
So with a shout out and a big thank you to Mel Robbins for inspiration, here’s my take on the Take Five ritual.
Mel’s ritual starts out with five deep breaths, and I think that’s a great place to start for us too - getting oxygen into your body clears and calms your mind so you can be intentional.
Then set your timer for 4 minutes and think through the purpose of your video, and write down what comes to mind.
Do you want to inform, educate, engage, entertain or persuade?
Once you are clear on that, create a quick plan:
Think about where are you going to record, is there enough light, what does your background look like and how will you record your audio.
Next, think of 3 key points you are going to cover - remember it’s best if you have one main message and then you can deliver it with three supporting ideas - it’s a super easy way to organize your thoughts and remember what you want to say without having to memorize anything.
See how simple this is?
Now I want you to think of two things that give you energy, it could be a good memory or an activity you love or a person you really get energy from being around. Think about it until you can recreate the energy you feel when you are with them.
And lastly, think of ONE thing you want your viewers to do as a result of watching your video.
And then, you’re ready to go!
Do a quick run through, flip your camera around so you can see yourself and check your lighting, do a quick test recording and playback of your audio and then you’re ready to go.
Pretty cool, huh!
Here's the steps again:
Take 5 deep breaths to clear your head and calm your mind
Set your timer for 4 minutes and get clear about your purpose, whether it’s to inform, educate, engage, entertain or persuade and create a quick plan looking at your background, lighting and audio and don’t forget to check out what you’re wearing in the mirror.
Come up with the three most important things that support your main idea and order them from the most to least important
Think of two things that give you energy, it’s good to think of an activity you love and someone you love being with - this will help you to ramp up your energy
And then determine one thing you want your viewer to do as a result of watching your video.
Once you do a quick run through and test recording, you’re ready to GO! It’s that easy to Take Five.
Please go out and give this and try and I’d love to hear how it goes for you! And as always, I’m happy to answer your questions in a future blog post, you can contact me at any of the addresses below.
Until then, remember with a quick field ritual, you can create videos that connect with your viewers, every time.
Val Brown is an Emmy Award winning television producer, story, visual and personal brand consultant, coach, and speaker. She consults and coaches high performing business professionals and entrepreneurs looking to up their game and increase their confidence and credibility on camera. Val teaches you how to use your story to support your brand in video and photos.
p.s. I’d love to connect on social media and hear your questions and concerns about being in front of the camera.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VisualBridgeCommunication...
Twitter: @valbrown08
LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/visualbridgeco...
Email: Val@visualbridgecomm.com