What Is YOUR On Camera Presence?
Ever watch someone on TV or the internet with the sound off and even though you don’t know what they are saying their presence is so...
5 things you need to know before you shoot your next video
Early in my career when I worked in the telecommunications industry, I had a boss whose favorite saying was “if you don’t know where you...
3 questions you need to ask to find the purpose of your next video
Have you ever been offered an opportunity for an interview on video or been asked to deliver a message to your team via video and said...
When Losing Can Make You A Winner: The story of how I won an Emmy
Have you ever showed up time and time again, working to reach a goal or a dream and been disappointed, and felt like just giving up?...
How To Look Amazing In Your Holiday Photos - Every Time!
Dreading the holiday family photos at Aunt Margaret’s? Or are you going to an event and everyone is wearing their holiday...
On Camera Makeup Tips For Women - How To Create A Natural Look and Feel Fabulous
What about makeup when I'm on camera? is the question I hear most often behind what should I wear. And it’s a good one, because most of...
On Camera Make Up Tips For Men - How To Look And Feel Your Best
To use makeup or not to use makeup on video - that is the question... At least it’s one I get asked A LOT. And my answer is: how you show...